Antares Polo Aeronáutico

We provide a complete infrastructure

for your business!

Transforming ideas

and projects into action!

Persuing the best solutions for all that surrounds us. Because we are innovative and enterprising. The sum of daring, innovation and vision can change the future of an entire nation.
  • At Antares Aviation HUB, you will find the exact sized lot for your air-related operations.
  • Being in the center of Brazil means you have many opportunities and possibilities all around you.
  • General Avation is growing every day. Here at Antares, you will find other businesses involved in aviation.
  • Each investor will have their own plot of land within a modern, complete, well-structured airport.
  • Judicial certainty and 100% guaranteed ownership.
  • Municipal tax incentives for 20 years. All within the law, according to the constitution.
  • Located in the Metropolitan Area of Goiânia, a large business center.
  • Only 40 kms from Anápolis, an important pole for the Pharmaceutical industry.
  • Antares HUB will shorten distances, lend dynamism to work, accelerate our development and
    is set to become a national reference.

At the center

of everything. Really!

It is worthy to note that in our Master Plan, we considered the location of the airport as a region of great economic interest and were included during the expansion of the urban area. We thought of everything to make this plan viable as an important step forward for the local, regional and national economies.